Sunday, May 7, 2017



This  research  aims  to  explain  the  influence  analysis  of Inflation, Bi Rate, Gross Domestic Bruto, Exchange Rate, and Money Supply  to  the Return On Asset  (ROA)  of  Syariah Mandiri Bank  period  2008-2015. This  research  sample  gained from  one Islamic banks. The Islamic bank is Syariah Mandiri Bank. The data used in this research were obtained from the Financial Report of Syariah Mandiri Bank  quarterly  publication  through  each  website.
Data analysis techniques used in this study is multiple regression analysis where previously the data had been tested with the classical assumptions include normality test data, heteroscedasticity, multicollinearity and autocorrelation. During the period pangamatan research data shows that the normal distribution. Under the normality test, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity test, and test variables autokorelasitidak found that deviate from the classical assumptions. This shows the available data has been qualified using multiple linear regression equation model.
The results show  that Bi Rate and money supply have a negative  effect and significant on return on assets of  Syariah Mandiri Bank. inflation has a positive effect and significant on return on assets  of  Syariah Mandiri Bank. Whereas  Gross Domestic Product, and exchange rate have no signficant effect on Retun on Assets of Syariah Mandiri Bank.
Keywords: inflation, Bi  Rate, Gross  Domestic Product,  money supply, exchange

      rate,  Return  On  Assets,

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